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World's biggest pumped hydro for Queensland


Can Queensland become the “biggest pumped hydro scheme in the world”? Annastacia Palaszczuk seems to think so!

The Queensland government has announced a bold $62 billion dollar plan for 70% of Queensland energy supply to be derived from renewable sources by 2032 and 80% by 2035.

These statistics are attributable to Pioneer and Borumba dam and a SuperGrid that will connect the States renewables, resulting in 22GW of new renewable capacity for Queensland, rendering the State the renewable capital of the world.

The bold energy plan progresses a step further with the initiative that all publicly-owned coal-fired power stations will stop their reliance on burning coal by 2035 by transitioning into clean energy hubs.

State Treasurer, Cameron Dick believes that the energy transformation will create job opportunities not seen in recent times and Minister for Environment, Meaghan Scanlon, elated to see steps towards “real climate action”.

In relatively the same delivery timeframe of the $62 billion dollar energy plan, the 2032 Olympics spend is estimated to exceed the $5 billion dollar budget, resulting in the next 10 years seeming rather optimistic for those involved in the Queensland renewables, Infrastructure and construction industries!

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